Monday, May 10, 2010


(Part 2 is in response to the enquiries about my car.)

3 months ago, I had bid goodbye to my trusty old car. The sentiments were dispensed with swiftly and I had moved on in anticipation to accept the new car. Minor inconvenience and discomfort with the old car were tolerated as temporary irritants. Regular maintenance, except for safety requirements were dispensed with as the trade-in car was supposed to be handed over any day. I was promised the new car will be delivered within 2 weeks. As it turned out, weeks drag on into months. There is still no light at the end of the tunnel and the continuing saga has turned into one long nightmare.

What was supposed to be a simple transaction has turned into a major screw up by Naza Kia. What is so difficult about importing a batch of cars with the Bumiputra reserved APs. Pay the import duties and deliver the cars to the buyers. Collect the handsome profit and laugh all the way to the bank. End of story.

But it was not to be. Initially there was no reason to doubt what they promised. But when they repeatedly failed to deliver on their own datelines without any clear and valid reason, you know something is seriously wrong with the management of the company. It was always the blaming game. The branch manager blamed his top management and the regional manager blamed Najib (PM is also the Finance Minister) for not signing the papers to release the cars. I have given those 2 inapt managers a piece of my mind. I have also put on record a formal complaint of my grievances and sent a copy to the Customer Relation Officer and their GM.

Stay tuned……..Hopefully, BUYING A NEW CAR (PART 3) will have a happy ending.

simon 10.5.2010

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