It was a perfect morning .
The sky was clear and blue.
The birds were chirping on the trees.
The tortoises and the carps were swimming merrily in the pond, and the dragonflies were flying around happily. There was even soothing sound of chanting music in the background.
It was all very quiet and peaceful. We were the only ones there. We reached there about 7 :56 a.m. Mum thought they changed the time without informing us, so she quickly called aunty Nancy to confirm.
We then went in to visit Ah Gong .
After that, we saw 大嫂 's car.
Then all the other people came.
They brought loads of things,
And I had this little guilty feeling ,
Without helping to carry anything .
We prayed. After that we had a picnic /breakfast at the Shah Alam Memorial Park !!
True , true .
Thanks to 大姑 and the others who prepared the breakfast today .
The 'siew bao ' was very nice and cripsy . ^^
Good service ah ~
Before eating breakfast ,
We burned some things for Ah Gong ,
Like a HELL TV with Astro , a massage chair and some other things in a box , like torchlight , BRANDED purse , sandals ... and some HELL money .
My dad says , why dont we just burn a few credit cards for Ah Gong , then he can swipe them and he can buy anything for himself:D
By the way , I thought it was Heavenly TV and Heavenly Money ?
Isn’t Ah Gong in Heaven ?
Weird ..
Conclusion :
It’s better praying at the Shah Alam Memorial Park than the graveyards ,
1) No need to do weeding.
2) No need to repaint the tomb.
3) No need to waste time there.
4) There were not so many people. Just a few families there .
But I think in the coming years , People praying there will increase .
- ML -